Check Out These 4 Steps To Arouse A Girl When Sitting Beside Her…


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This may sound surprising, but there are very powerful but secret ways to get a girl horny and make her wet while sitting by her side. Just test this out.

Now let me make this clear. This isn’t sophisticated, but it isn’t simple either. When you try to get a girl horny and make her wet while sitting next to her, there are a few things you just can’t ignore.

As powerful and effective as these steps are in getting a girl horny, the whole process is more about the vibes and sexual tension that both of you feel than anything else. If you jump any of these moves or speed through to the next step before the earlier one, you may just end up losing the whole cause.

An opportunity to get a girl horny while sitting next to her can’t be preplanned most of the time. So use any opportunity you get when you see one similar to the chances mentioned here.

Is it really possible to make a girl horny by just sitting next to her? Well, with these steps here, it definitely is. Just don’t be hasty, and if you sense any awkwardness in the air, take a step back and play it safe.

1. Sit really close.

When you’re with this girl you’re sexually attracted to, find an excuse to sit really close to her. Pull out your phone and show a few photos you clicked, or read out a long interesting article you think she’d like. Don’t show her any funny memes though, you don’t want her to laugh and break the physical connection you’re building. As you sit next to her, make sure you’re sitting in a tight spot so your arms or your thighs and hers are ever-so-slightly grazing each other. Remember, the touch has to be discreet and very gentle. You have to feel her hand or thigh against yours, but it shouldn’t feel forced. And most importantly, the touch should feel unintentional and “accidental”.

2. Keep her interested.

Don’t talk flirty just yet. It’ll raise her guard. She’s already touching you and she’s obviously conscious of that tingle in her arms. Get her distracted from the touches by having an interesting conversation with her. Get her attention by telling her about something you heard or reveal a little secret of yours.

3. Start talking flirty with her.

Somewhere along the conversation, get flirty with her discreetly. Compliment her about something to start with. Be very subtle or she’ll move away from you. “You smell great”, “I like the fabric of your shirt”, “You have really nice eyes, did I ever say that before?” These are just a few lines that’ll charm her and yet make her blush without moving away from you.

4. Whisper into her ears

This is especially good if there are other people around both of you who are too preoccupied with something else. Don’t be funny while whispering into her ear. If she laughs, it completely kills the mood. Go near her ear like you’re whispering something and compliment her again and say you just had to compliment her about the same thing again.

Now, read her reciprocation. If she starts speaking softly or moves even closer to you, in all probability, then it means she is horny at that moment. Run your fingers up against her thigh gently, or along her neck. If she doesn’t seem to move back or seems to want more, congratulations, you have officially turned a girl on and have aroused her.

And that’s all you need to do to figure out the secret behind knowing how to get a girl horny and wet. It really works, just try it and see the magic unleash itself in front of your own eyes.

Thanks for reading.

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