Children are very important to the life of the parents. Having children is one of the most exciting things that could happen to anybody in life, the joy and the excitement involved cannot be overemphasized. It is good to celebrate our children to mark their birthday which serves as a special day in their lives, some people celebrate by taking their children out on shopping and buying them stuffs that will remain in their memory forever, while some prefer to keep them at home and organise a mini party with friends and family to mark the special occasion for them.
An excited mother decided to celebrate the birthday of her 6-month-old child in style by drawing a couple of tattoos on his body to celebrate him. Because of the love that his mother has for tattoos, she decided to take Baby Treylin to the drawing centre to design him with many unique tattoos on his body. Not many people likes tattoo especially on a little baby but this woman drew the tattoo on her child because of the love she has for it.
Getting him the tattoo was very easy, the baby was even sleeping inside the studio when they were drawing the tattoo on his body. The mother was so excited that she could not even wait till they finished drawing the tattoo before she uploaded it online. The most amazing part is that she drew the tattoo all over his body making the boy look like a grown-up gangster.
Check out more pictures of the boy here:
Some people were critical of the mother because they keep wondering how a mother will intentionally draw tattoos in all parts of the body of the small boy in such a way that it makes him look like a gangster, but some people love it and they want to get for their children, but we must realise that drawing tattoo on the body is risky for the health, and it can be dangerous to the health of infants as well.
Content created and supplied by: Mr_Right071 (via Opera
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