Banish them from the Community: Fake Prophet and his 3 brothers in serious trouble.


We were notified by the sad news which happened yesterday in Nyameyiekrom in the Ahanta west in the Western Region. Much of the details were given by Kofi Adoma Wanwani on Angel TV yesterday. According to Kofi Adomawanwani, there is a particular prophet in Ahanta west municipality by Name Prophet Nyame Elijah. The man of God incited his younger brothers and they visited the cemetery where their mother was buried. They removed the dead body in the name of praying for their dead mother to come back to life

The elders of the community were shocked by the act exhibited by the Fake man of God and his three brothers. The elders of the town speaking to Kofi Adoma on threesome news on Angel TV yesterday, confirmed that, such incident has never happened in Nyameyeikrom in the Western Region of Ghana. The young and the elders in the town are now calling for the immediate banish of the fake prophet and his brothers. They are of the view that, the act exhibited by the Fake Prophet Elijah Nyame and his brothers is likely to bring curses and abomination on the land, as a result, proper rituals must be done to cleanse the community of Nyameyiekrom from such calamities which is likely to happened.

Despite the movement to banish them from the community, the Police have also intervene into the matter and they have arrested the fake pastor and his brothers pending investigations.

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Elijah Nyame
Kofi Adoma Wanwani
Kofi Adomawanwani


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