Why Should My Boyfriend Cheat On Me With All These Goodies I Have? – Lady Laments (+VIDEO)


Some women believe that the fact that men are physically attracted to them indicates that they should be content with their love alone. This perception is not always the case. Some men will love to see what ladies will bring to the table when they are in a relationship with them. Aside from a lady’s curvaceous body, most men want a lady who is intelligent as well.

In view of this, the curvaceous body of a lady is not enough for a man to date her alone. But the lady in your picture thinks that if a lady is naturally endowed, it should be enough for a guy. This is because she believes that what most guys look out for in ladies is their curvaceous bodies and how well they will satisfy them in bed.

This is what the lady said in the typical Twi language while shaking her huge and soft buttocks, “If I am dating you as my boyfriend with this nice backside and you still cheat on me with a lady with a fake backside, you are such a hypocrite. I have form and nice body but you still cheat on me with ladies who use foam as their backsides”.

After hearing her speak, some Ghanaians said that her understanding of what men look for in women before cheating on them is incorrect. As a result, they advise her to go do her homework properly, or else ladies with small backsides will continue to steal her boyfriend.


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Lady Laments


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