Adwoa Safo and the supposed fake appearance: Could this be evidence of impersonation?


Some have outrightly dismissed the suggestion that, the member of Parliament for Dome Kwabenya, Hon. Sarah Adwoa Safo was falsely represented in parliament during the sitting of Tuesday, 30th November 2021. 

They say, it could not have been true that, there was an imposter staged to deceive Ghanaians, and to make the numbers the NPP needed to overturn the decision of budget rejection. They insist that, the person who was seen in the house was Adwoa Safo in her good self, live and real. 

On the other hand, those who have introduced this allegation are busy trying, using photographs of Adwoa Safo and the supposed Tuesday’s clone, and other comparative analysis to substantiate their claim. 

But, without any prejudice, this writer will want to use two instances that might support the allegation of impersonation. 

First. It is trite that, Adwoa Safo was out of the Ghanaian jurisdiction when the budget was read and debated. On the day of the budget approval, it became clear that, she together with Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, Henry Quartey, and Amoako Atta were being transported on that day back to Ghana. 

The whole delay of Parliamentary proceedings of Friday 26th November 2021 was due to the absence of the above-mentioned legislators. 

The fact is that, on that Friday, all those absent were able to arrive by 2:00 pm and made it to the house, except Adwoa Safo. The parliamentary Attendance records show this fact. Indisputable. 

Now, on the 30th November 2021 when the NPP had planned to overturn the Speakers’ acceptance of rejecting the budget, Adwoa Safo must, by hook or crook, appear in Parliament to make up the number to be able to do so. 

She appeared. Moved slowly to her seat. Masked. Never talked. Never stood, and soon as the rejection was overturned, she swiftly moved out. This was so unlike Adwoa Safo. The flamboyant, beautiful lawyer, who likes to flex was mute and immobile till, and left as soon as counting was down. 

Now watch this; on the second say, yesterday, Adwoa Safo came again. This time, mask off. Standing. Talking. More like the real Adwoa Safo. 

Photo: Loud Adwoa Safo Vs quiet, immobile Adwoa Safo.

This is not a concrete assumption that she was impersonated. However, if you have followed the pattern of behaviour of some members of parliament like Adwoa Safo, you would take this observation seriously, and perhaps, agree that, this casts a doubt on the person who appeared on Tuesday.

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