How important is collagen? Toni Carroll shares insight on her luxurious Nutricosmetic range


My Beauty Luv is one of the first brands, in South Africa, to introduce collagen capsules. It is a combined form of ethical and sustainable ingredients.

Toni Carroll, founder of My Beauty Luv, started her business journey as a hair salon owner, then moved to a business as a wellness instructor. “Health and wealth have always been a part of who I am,” she shares.

“My passion is beauty, my passion is wellness, and high-end luxury,” says Carroll, found of My Beauty Luv. Carroll believes in providing a product with the best ingredients that have been tested.

The products are beautifully packaged and are pleasing to the eye. “I’m not only selling something that looks pretty but something that is good for your health,” says Carroll.

How important is collagen really? Collagen is one of the body’s building blocks, found in major components of the body including, bones, muscles, and blood.


Carroll adds that collagen contributes to your body’s health in three major ways.

“It improves the condition of your skin, making it look plumper and firmer. With regular use, you can expect a 10 – 12% improvement. Collagen is also good for connective tissue and helps to prepare internal, structural damage. Plus, it is particularly good for hair growth and strength,” says Carroll.

What makes My Beauty Luv’s Collagen products different? My Beauty Luv does not use marine collagen. “All products are halaal, organic, and kind to the environment,” says Carroll.

“Our range is drawn from the tilapia fish, farmed in a rural and protected area, in a way that ensures the integrity of the surrounding environment,” she shares.

Collagen supplements are good for anti-ageing and help maintain good health. “It’s not going to take away the wrinkles but it will help with hydration and plumpness,” says Carroll.

My Beauty Luv is available online. For further information on the brand and its products, visit or follow them on Facebook or Instagram.


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