More humiliation for you – Dafeamekpor warns Majority ahead of next sitting


South Dayi MP, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor South Dayi MP, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor

Minority insists they constitutionally rejected 2022 budget statement

Parliament next sitting is on Tuesday November 30, 2021

Dafeamekpor wants certain portions of budget expunged before approval

Member of Parliament (MP) for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, has stated that the majority side of the house will be subjected to more humiliation at the next parliamentary sitting on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, if they refuse to come to terms with the fact that the 2022 budget has been rejected.

Parliament on Friday, November 26, 2021, rejected the 2022 budget statement after the majority staged a walkout over what they say was an unfair application of parliamentary rules by Speaker, Alban Bagbin.

They, in the aftermath of the rejection, organized a press conference stating that what had transpired in the House was unconstitutional thus of no effect on parliament.

But speaking to Accra-based Joy News, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor said arguments of the majority side were unfounded.

“It is constitutional. It is procedurally correct. We did everything in accordance with the book and letter of the laws governing that procedure. They have no case. In face on Tuesday, they will be humiliated more. I want to urge the NPP that they should spend this weekend drafting a new budget. It will serve their course better,” he stressed.

“You heard that they cited article 104 sub-clause 1. Now 104 sub-clause 1 is structured into two legs. The first leg says a decision of parliament ought to be taken by majority of members present and voting. Then the second leg says that majority that will be present and voting should at least be made up of half of members of parliament present. So if you listen to the language of 104 clearly, it says that those who will take the decision should be in the majority of members present and voting. But the evidence must be that out of those majority members who were present and voted to take the decision, at least half of the 275 should be present. The budget has been rejected. Now when you are writing your thesis for either your MPhil or PhD and a chapter is rejected, you go back and work on it and in accordance with what your supervisor says you should do,” he insisted.

Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor also called on the majority to make budgetary allocations for the Blekusu and Keta Sea Defence project together with taking out the controversial e-levy from the next budget it will present.

“So they should go back, tidy up the budget as rejected. They should take out the e-levy, take out the provision to increase fees and charges between 15% to 30%, make a provision for the Blekusu and Keta sea defense project and finally take out Agyapa. When they do that, we will be acting in unison…we will be working in consensus but for now, it is non-cooperation,” he emphasized.

The Minority has indicated its strong resolve to vehemently oppose the reintroduction of the rejected 2022 budget statement.

North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa wants the government to beat retreat and present another budget that represents the Ghanaian people.

“Government’s only nationalistic option is to eat humble pie and present another budget which must be a product of broad consultation with the Ghanaian people. That 2022 new budget must not contain regressive and obnoxious e-levy and fees and charges 15% hike and illegal automatic adjustment based on inflation it must also expunge Agyapa and the dubious Aker narrative,” he said in a tweet.


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