Ayisha Modi permanently deletes her Instagram page – Here’s why


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Ayisha Modi who operates on social media with the @Shelovesstonebwoy account particularly on Instagram has permanently deleted her page, our checks can confirm.

The loud and controversial socialite went off Instagram a few hours after sharing a photo of her daughter and father, Ofori Amponsah.

This action by the number one fan of the Bhim Nation has left many wondering what at all could have led her in doing that.

Netizens are coming up with several theories they think could have necessitated her action. Well, this is what we know.

Ayisha Modi’s exit from social media (Instagram precisely) could have been as a result of the alleged scuffle between her and the Bhim camp.

Remember months ago, Ayisha Modi on PeaceFM stated empathically that she’ll go off from Social media when she engages in a fight with Stonebwoy, Could this be the real reason?

Or it could be as a result of the backlash she was greeted with by netizens who reacted to her bedroom photo about 2 days ago.

Again it could be she has just deactivated her account and will restore it when all (alleged scuffle between her and the Bhim camp and social media trolls) settles down.


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