1. It is a crime to religiously post about your love for the football club you support on Facebook yet find it hard to post how much you love your lover/spouse.
2. It is a crime to be more loyal to the football club you are a fan of than to your own lover/marriage.
3. It is crime to wear the jersey of the football club you are a fan of with pride yet cannot even wear your wedding ring.
4. It is a crime to make time to watch a football match with friends in a bar yet your spouse and family need you at home. Your love life is falling apart but you are busy cheering football players who don’t even know your name.
5. It is a crime to attentively glue your eyes on the TV screen when your favorite football team is playing yet you cannot even pay attention to your spouse or look at your spouse when your spouse is talking.
6. It is a crime to find it so easy to put the brand of the football club you are a fan of as your profile picture, posting many photos of your favorite football players but find it so hard to put a photo of your lover/spouse as profile pic or post of photos of you two together.
7. It is a crime to do anything for the football club you are a fan of, even beat up or bark at people when they talk badly about the club yet do nothing when people bully, talk badly or harm your lover.
8. It is a crime to find it so easy to sing the anthem of the football club you are a fan of yet find it hard to say “I love you” to your lover.
9. It is a crime to know more about the coach of the football team you are a fan of than you do know your lover’s parents.
10. It is a crime to brag about the wealth of the football club you are a fan of yet your home is bankrupt, you don’t provide and your finances are in ruins.
11. It is a crime when the goals your favorite player scores are more important than your lover’s success.
12. It is a crime if you can never miss a football match of your favorite football club or you feel bad in case you do but you keep making excuses not to meet up your lover.
13. It is a crime if you spend a lot of money to buy a big screen TV to watch football matches yet can’t even invest in your lover.
14. It is a crime when you know more about the details of history of the football team than you do know the details of your lover’s past.
15. It is a crime when you celebrate new signings in the transfer window than you do celebrate your lover’s promotion.
16. It is a crime when you make sacrifices for the football club you are a fan of yet find it a task to make sacrifices for your child/children.
17. It is a crime when you never disown the football club even during a bad season but find it easy to disown your lover in times of trouble or to deny the child when your lover tells you she is pregnant.
18. It is crime to find it as out of the question you supporting a rival football club yet find it easy to cheat on your lover when another woman tries to take her place in your life.
19. It is a crime to sit in front of the TV to watch a match on time yet often get late when going for a date with your lover.
20. It is a crime to know the motto of the football club to heart yet don’t even know your lover’s vision or dreams.
21. It is a crime to google more about the football club and frequent the club’s website than you do search the mind and feelings of your lover.
22. It is a crime to remember the year the football club was formed and landmark dates of the football club yet forget your lover’s birthday and Anniversary.
23. It is a crime to be a bigger fan of strange men distant from you chasing a ball than you are a fan of the lover next to you with whom you should be chasing a bright future with.
24. It is a crime when you lament your favorite player getting a red card yet take it so casual when your lover gives you a red card for causing so much hurt, injury and being a foul.
25. It is a crime when to you, it is more important that the football club you are a fan of lifts up a trophy this season than you and your lover lifting up the trophy of “Best Couple” every season.