7 signs your relationship is nearing end


couple fight

1. Sings that say a relationship is nearing its end

No relationship is hunky-dory all the time. There are days
when things go wayward and you might find yourself having second thoughts about
your relationship. On such cloudy days, you must move beyond the realm of those
three magical words (I love you) and consider judging your relationship on
different parameters. Because the formula of a healthy relationship is not just
about being in love, it also includes understanding, sacrifices and
compatibility. Though breakups shatter you emotionally but it is safe to move
out of a toxic relationship than to hold on to a bad patch. Although every
relationship is built on meaningful aspects such as trust, communication, and
intimacy, there still can be failed relationships. Most of us live a very
fast-paced life and holding on to a bad relationship is the last thing on our
list. So keep these 7 points in mind to know when to call it a day.

2. Communication gap

Communication is the key to a successful relationship. If
you and your partner do not indulge in meaningful conversations then it is time
to call it quits. Studies have shown that discussing your day-to-day activities
with your partner not only brings you closer but it also helps in bridging gaps
if any. So, keep the conversation flowing, guys!

3. Intimacy is not even on your list

One thing that keeps the spark alive in any relationship is
physical intimacy. According to researchers, passionate lovemaking not only
keeps your stress levels down but also enhances emotional attachment and
confidence between the lovers. But it’s time to reconsider the status of your
relationship if the ‘fire’ between you and your partner is slowly dousing.

4. You constantly deal with trust issues

Did you have a hard time believing your partner when he went
out with his school friends? Does your partner constantly keep checking your
phone or accounts because he doubts you? In case, you are struggling with trust
issues in your relationship, it’s time to think it over. Trust is the lifeblood
of any successful relationship and without it, a relationship can not grow.

5. Your better half is no more your source of validation

Seeking attention to elicit validation is a natural human
tendency. But it can be disheartening if you do not get the attention that you
deserve. Striving for someone else’s attention is a sign that you are no longer
in a healthy relationship and it is time to end your relationship.

6. He has no clue about your personal life

Two people come together in a relationship to spend their
lives together. But if all you do is live your lives separately, devoid of any
shared memories with your partner, it’s a red flag.

7. You haven’t met their loved ones

You know you have taken a big leap in your relationship when
you have met his family and friends. Although meeting with family is not a
mandate in any relationship but if you have been together for a long time and
you still don’t know about your partner’s loved ones then it’s time to step

8. You have already thought about cheating

Have you started to re-consider your college crush after a
petty fight with your girlfriend? Then this might be the time to look deep
within. Thought of cheating your partner itself is very disturbing and it is
time to address the issue if you are seeking an emotional connection elsewhere.


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