Coffin maker becomes overnight millionaire after selling a rock that fell into his apartment


A young father’s fortunes hit a drastic turnaround in the twinkle of an eye after a space rock rent his roof and fell into his house.

The man, identified as Josua Hutagalung from Indonesia, sold the football-sized meteorite to a specialist collector for an outrageous £1.4million (N766 million), The Sun reports.

The incident, which took place in the year 2020, happened on a fateful day Josua was at home

When the thunderous sound rent the area by reason of the fall, Josua wondered what it could be as it was a sunny day.

He went to the place where it fell and found the rock weighing 2.2kg in his house.


The money he sold is worth 30 years of his salary.

The father of three shared a video on his Facebook wall showing the exact spot the rock fell describing it as warm when he lifted it.

It is calculated that the whopping sum he sold the rock for equates to his usual salary for a period of 30 years.

The man has decided to build a church for his community from the money.



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