Check out the number of times you need to have sex to get pregnant



How frequently should you have sex to get pregnant?

While some lucky couples get pregnant in the very first attempt, others might take more time, which may feel like forever. But did you know there is a science-backed frequency of sex which can help couples get pregnant, finds a new study.

The study

On an average, couples have sex 78 times from the time they start trying to the time they get a positive result. These 78 times are spread over 158 days or about six months.

A study surveyed 1,194 parents and found that most couples have sex 13 times a month while they are trying to conceive. Though so much sex might sound like fun, there come certain anxieties with trying to getting pregnant.

Many people have even admitted that having sex while trying to conceive feels like a chore. Exactly 43 per cent people felt pressure to conceive and feared they would never be able to do it.

Conceiving can feel like hard work and stressful, so when you are focused on the baby, trying to remember about each other might help, say experts.

The best position to conceive

Some people believe conception depends on the sex position. The most popular position is missionary used by three-quarters of couples, followed by doggy style, which is used by 36 per cent of the people.

According to many experts, couples should not have sex more than once per day, while trying to conceive. Though they may think more sex means better chances of getting pregnant, but actually having sex too frequently can decrease the number of healthy sperm.

The conception rate has been higher in couples who have sex every one-two days.

The right time of the month to have sex to pregnant

Not every day is the same for women to conceive, as they have some days which are considered to most fertile. This fertile window includes five days before the ovulation and to the day of ovulation.

The two days you ovulate and the day of ovulation have the highest probability of conception. Having sex on these days gives you the greatest odds of conceiving.


During the ovulation, your ovary releases a mature egg. This egg makes its way down to the fallopian tube on its way to the uterus.

On this routine, the sperms most likely meet up the fertilized egg. The sperm can live for about five days inside a woman’s body. So, when trying to conceive, your goal should be to have live sperm in your fallopian tubes when you ovulate.

How to know when you are ovulating

You can use an app or keep a calendar marking your menstrual cycle. Each cycle starts on the first day of your periods and ends a day before your next period starts.

Look for a midpoint of your cycle. If you have a 28 days cycle you will ovulate around day 14.


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