Side chick, the new witchcraft in town


Being a side chick is equally like being a witch. Why do you have to steal somebody’s husband when you can have your own without stealing? It’s only a witch who refuses to acknowledge what they have been blessed with but only envious of what others have.

Marriage is not a jungle. You don’t need to chase a wife out of her matrimonial home just so you can become a stepmother. Being a wife is not a role where you can go and offer assistance, because some side chicks think they are doing some wives a favour by sleeping with their husbands; you are not doing them any favour, you are destroying their marriage.

The woman whose husband you want is also a woman like you, you might have different hearts but the question is, have you ever put yourself in her shoes? Do you know the kind of pains your actions are causing her? Will you be happy if someone is doing same to you?

Do you have to destroy your fellow woman’s marriage because of an iPhone? Do you have to separate the married because of your rent? Do you know the cure to laziness is not breaking up someone’s marriage?

We are all created by God, do you think God will be happy with you? Are you becoming a blessing or a curse? Do you think the man in question is a saint? Which Saint sends you to hell? Which Saint turns you into a witch?

It takes two to tango, whatever negative news the husband is painting about the wife, he contributed to it. He has a role to play. He is refusing to work at his marriage because you have provided him an avenue or an excuse not to. You are helping him ignore his responsibility and ministry.

He goes home late or sometimes abandons his home and family because of you. He cares less about the same people he calls his family because of you. Sometimes the family is denied their basic needs because of you. There are days they have to sleep on empty stomachs because of you.

Your involvement with the man is destroying lives, lives God cherishes so much. You are ruining the bright future of the children because of your selfish greed. Every child needs the father. A man in whose steps they can follow, a man whose example they can follow, a man they can see every day and learn from. Unfortunately to such a children, out of no faults of theirs, a side chick has taken the father from them.

I know some of the readers of this message will be upset; some will be filled with anger to attack me. Some will ask which counselor speaks the truth without applying love? Well I am not happy with what you are doing and the best way to get your attention to change is this way.

If it hurts that much, you need to change. Don’t become a tool for destruction because of money or some needs of yours. If the man is taken, he is taken. Look for your man. A stolen man remains stolen no matter how you decorate or rebrand it. Even if you marry him, he is still a stolen man.

In conclusion, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” – James 4:7 (NKJV).

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