Peter Boamah Otokunor, Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress
• A remembrance service was held in memory of the late Jerry John Rawlings
• Zanetor Rawlings wants Konadu back in NDC
• Nana Konadu Rawlings must reapply, Otukunor has said
The Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Peter Boamah Otokunor, has said Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings would have to apply to rejoin the National Democratic Congress before the party would take steps to initiate the suggestions of Zanetor Rawlings.
This comes after the oldest daughter of Late President Jerry John Rawlings told the NDC to do whatever they can to bring her mother back to the party during the one-year commemorative speech in honour of the late President, Jerry John Rawlings.
In response to her appeal, Peter Boamah Otokunor, in an interview with Morning Starr, Monday 15th November 2021, said the party’s constitution spells out the requirements for persons who seek membership of the party.
He adds that Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings would, like any other person, have to go through the procedure to become a member of the NDC and this includes submitting an application.
“The right to association is an inalienable right that has been bestowed to every citizen of this country and with such rights, its commission or omission can only be exercised by that person. So as we saw with Madam Konadu leaving the party, it was in the exercise of her right that is why for now she is not a member of NDC and belongs to a different party.
“If she has realized that her actions and her commission haven’t helped her in achieving her political or any objectives that she might have, it is just fair she comes back to the competition of the NDC. Relying on the republic of Ghana Constitution to the commission, she can go through the procedure of becoming a member of the NDC. She has to apply and the leadership will consider the application and just follow the procedure,” he added.
Daughter of the late President Rawlings whilst speaking at the party’s memorial ceremony touched on critical issues regarding the leadership and current state of the NDC.
“…I would like to use the opportunity to ask that as we remember the old man, thinking that he’ll not pass what he did, let us recognize the fact that we don’t know when our last day would be, let’s make amends with those we have wronged. On this particular occasion, I’d say the thing that nobody wants to say: Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings is an integral part of this party. Let us do what we have to do to bring her back,” she appealed.