Buy, sell and earn game currencies with Eldorado. gg’s online game boosting services


Do you know what would be great? Spending all your time playing your favourite gaming titles with zero responsibility!

While this may be the life we crave from time to time, the reality is that most of our time is spent working to earn a living. Well, what if we told you that you could have both? Bring in the dough and earn as you play with any of these captivating gaming titles:

Second Life

Approaching its 20th birthday, Second Life is no longer at the forefront of modern gaming. Although, that doesn’t mean the immersive gaming title hasn’t seen its fair share of bank for its players over the years. The multiplayer video game’s primary source of income essentially comes from trading real estate, buying and selling virtual properties, creating and selling content, subscription fees and performing within the world of Second Life.

Since the early 2010s, the multiplayer video game has had a consistent player base of around 1 million, making it an incredibly popular and influential game. Thanks to its player-focused gameplay, the players are essentially the ones who run the economy. Legendary Anshe Chung, who became a millionaire off Second Life in 2006, is a true testament to that.


Now, If you’re into tech and earning money, then you’ve heard of cryptocurrencies and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). The virtual multiplayer game CryptoKitties grabs hold of these two ideas and transforms them into an entertaining game of collecting and breeding virtual cats. This harks back to the top-rated breeder games from our childhood except with a unique selling point that each unique kittie is minted on the Ethereum blockchain, solidifying it as a unique entity, thus securing it some representative value.

After slowly building up a variety of cats with rare traits, players can then breed them together to create even rarer NFTs which will, with luck, bring in the bucks.

Axie Infinity

Using the foundation of CryptoKitties and adding a whole new variety of Pokémon-esque ideas, Axie Infinity sees players collecting similarly unique NFTs while having a more active core gameplay, allowing players not only to trade and collect but also battle the NFTs.

The most expensive Axie, being sold for 300 ETH (ethereum network), which is currently just over US$1 million, showcases that there’s a lot to be earned in the world of Axie Infinity.

Lost Relics

If you’re into crypto but not into the passive style of CryptoKitties or Axie Infinity, Lost Relics may be the gaming title for you. Similar to a dungeon crawler and not unlike the likes of Diablo, players can come across all the loot and gold they can imagine. However, these items are all minted on Enjin, limiting their supply and securing their value.

Lost Relics is one of the most active crypto games out there, brimming with quests, adventures, and dungeon-crawling shenanigans.


While most MMORPGs condemn it, it’s no secret that countless players are looking for a bit of gold or even a cheeky bit of boosting to help get them ahead. Although, facilitating such things, for a price, can be a smart way of earning some money within your favourite games. If done well, it can be optimised to provide a steady income for the seller, making such transactions a win-win.

One trusted marketplace which spans a wide variety of MMORPGs and online titles from RuneScape to Final Fantasy XIV is What’s more, you can work with Eldorado as a seller, giving you a straightforward platform to provide your RuneScape skilled accounts and Final Fantasy XIV gold to a global audience.

So, if you’re looking to get ahead in your favourite online game or earn some cash on the side, look no further than Eldorado.


Nope, it’s not a game or an app, but rather an online community. iGameLab is a multiplayer platform where gamers can play online and mobile games, in which they can provide feedback to developers and earn cash in the process.

While this may not be as simple as just making an account, players require pre-screening beforehand to be a part of the online community. Once players have joined, it provides users with a variety of exclusive new content before it’s released to the general public, allowing players to earn money and contribute their thoughts and ideas to the gaming industry.

Despite some gaming titles requiring an initial investment, gamers are given various opportunities to earn cash while playing, making monetising their favourite play straightforward and effortless.


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