The best relationship of your life will be with someone who asks you on an official date instead of vaguely asking if you want to hang out and grab drinks. Someone who looks you in the eyes and tells you how they feel about you. Someone who doesn’t make you guess how they are feeling at any given moment. Someone who believes in authenticity over sending mixed signals because they aren’t afraid of their own feelings.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who double texts when they have a funny story to tell you and don’t want to wait to talk. Someone who doesn’t stop to calculate whether you were the last person to initiate the conversation or whether it’s their turn because they don’t play games. They say what they want when they want without worrying about how clingy it makes them seem.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who introduces you to their parents and each one of their friends because they are proud to show you off. Because they want you to be a bigger part of their life. Because they love you and want the rest of the people they love to meet you.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who wants to cuddle after you have sex. Someone who sticks around, even when your clothes come back on. Someone who wants to stay up until midnight talking to you about their past and present instead of running for the door the second they get the chance to escape.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who posts pictures of you on social media because they thought you looked adorable that day. Someone who will spam your page and blow up your phone on your birthday. Someone who will change their relationship status and delete Tinder right away to make sure that everyone knows they are off the market.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who invites you out with their friends because they don’t want you to be stuck at home doing nothing while they are out having fun. Someone who makes a point to include you in their weekend plans because they consider you a friend, a teammate, not just a lover.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who keeps screenshots of the cute texts you have sent them. Who keeps movie stubs from all of the films you have seen together. Who keeps a collection of memories to catalog your journey together.
The best relationship of your life will be with someone who isn’t afraid of looking stupid. Someone who is completely and utterly themselves. Someone who isn’t worried about looking like a complete idiot in front of you, because they know that’s what love does to you.
Most people would call that kind of person clingy or desperate, but really, they are authentic. They are passionate. They are real. They are the best kind of person you could ever date.