Love Is Stronger than Death – Rawlings’ Alleged Sidechick, Nathalie Says As She Shares Romantic Video To Celebrate His 1-year Anniversary


Whilst Ghanaians are celebrating his Rawlings’s first anniversary, his alleged side chick, Nathalie Yamb decided to be ‘mischievous’ in her celebration as she took to her Instagram page to share a throwback video of her and Rawlings seated next to each other together with other people.

In the video, the ex-president’s hand could be seen rubbing the thigh of Nathalie Yamb in the presence of some people in Ouagadougou.

She captioned the video as;

`You went away on November 12, 2020. One year ago. I miss you, I miss your voice, our trips, our discussions, our laughters, having you by my side, being by your side to fight the struggle for African sovereignty, freedom and justice. On the video, we were visiting the siblings of Thomas Sankara in Ouagadougou. You are my hero, Jerry, and you always will be. Love is stronger than death.

Watch the video below;

See some reactions below;

@nayashayne wrote: “La valeur d’une vie c’est l’héritage qu’on laisse derrière soi…alors on ne meurt pas…merci grand homme pour l’héritage et le témoignage 🙏

@kingiir wrote; “Mama, on peut voir toute l’affection que le Pr Jerry avait pour toi. Que son Ka divin soit vivifié à jamais 🔥🔥🔥🔥”

@fideliness wrote; “RIP Un grand Homme, que sa voix résonne dans tous les cœurs, pour réveiller l’Afrique😢❤️❤️❤️”

@sylvian007 wrote; “Je regarde cette vidéo et je suis content que ce Monsieur si grand est contribué à faire de vous la personne que vous représentez aujourd’hui!! Une femme sereine et forte pour une Afrique à la Jerry.”


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