Doctors reel under unrelenting work pressure, they work for inhumane hours, suffer from severe burnout, undergo sleep deprivation and anxiety but despite all of these struggles their profession demands them to put up a brave front, one that lacks any fragility.
Ironically, official statistics show that mental health of doctors is long compromised and that’s an area of deep concern. As we celebrate them this Doctor’s Day, it is also important to know that beyond their love for their duty, some things are left unspoken…
Dr Kutappa A M, Head – Medical Services, BGS Gleneagles Global Hospital
While good care is being provided to patients suffering from COVID-19, the toughest part about being a doctor in these times is to see the physical and emotional pain that a patient and their families go through during the recovery process. As doctors, we are geared up and united in the fight against the virus in these tough times until a vaccine is available.
Dr. Rajesh Chawla, Senior Consultant, Respiratory and Critical Care, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
Nothing is static during this situation; there are new challenges every day. Most COVID positive patients are kept in the isolation wards, which means if their condition deteriorates, doctors and nurses are the only people they see in their last hours. Seeing your patients die in the critical care wards does put a lot of psychological stress. The emotional toll is much worse as many doctors are themselves staying away from their families to protect them.
Adding to this is the fear of getting infected. It does linger on our mind and we continuously have to fight hard to keep such negative thoughts away. However, the silver lining is that the recovery rate in India is higher than the active cases. This gives us the motivation to work even harder and make the nation coronavirus free at the earliest. As nothing is more important than saving one’s life during these difficult times.
Dr. Bharat Jagiasi, Consultant, Critical Care & Head – ICU, Reliance Hospital, Navi Mumbai
Most difficult part of being a doctor is to choose between family and patients because we at the frontline are at maximum risk and can transmit it to the family. But I have voluntarily chosen patients as it’s my passion to save lives and this is what is the need of the hour. The COVID situation has seen my team of doctors in the ICU propel themselves beyond their limits to go that extra mile to treat the critical patients. The toughest point comes when we lose a patient in spite of doing everything possible. At times like these, it is the patients who recover and the smile on their faces as they are discharged that motivates us to continue to fight to save lives. While we are working round the clock, and sometimes a doctor in the team may feel low, our strong will to beat the virus and the sense of satisfaction we get from seeing them recover keeps our spirit high.
Dr Shuchi Sharma, Consultant Dermatologist
I think it’s different for different stages. You lose out on your young life studying. It is also tough to deal with patients who try to modify your treatment according to what they think is right and then complain that your treatment did not help.
And, of course we work really hard to treat and save every life but we are humans and we do lose patients. It’s hard on us when that happens but what hurts is when relatives or next of kin blame you for that loss. It’s truly heartbreaking to see the violence committed against doctors.
This is not all. No one realises but we doctors barely get any family time due to our extended work hours. We miss out on birthdays, anniversaries and even well planned vacations. Such is the demand of our profession.
Dr Firozahmad H Torgal, Consultant and Head of Emergency Department, Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore
Being an emergency physician during COVID times is the toughest job in a hospital. Getting exposed to the patients directly not knowing if it’s a Covid patient or not, is a challenge in itself. Wearing all protective measures and ensuring every patient is taken care and doesn’t get infected by other patients is challenging. At the end of the day, the thoughts linger, what if I have acquired the infection today and I go back home and infect my family? But that’s secondary, I’m still happy that on the other side, I saved one’s life, as that is my duty.
Dr. Sunil Eshwar, Lead Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aster RV Hospital
When we have to deal with 2 lives (mother and baby), it is a huge responsibility and often we are treated next to God. Doctors are humans too and patients do not always understand that sometimes not everything is in our hands. Most often, we leave all our personal problems and family time aside to be there for our patients. We go out of our way to support and treat our patients, but it is disheartening to see the violence against the medical fraternity.
Dr Deepak Patkar, Director–Medical Services and Head Imaging and Radiology, Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital.
Learning medicine and becoming a doctor is nothing short of having a superpower. But this superpower of detecting or curing a disease comes with tonnes of responsibilities and expectations. The worst being, the helpless feeling when we stare in the face of incurable diseases such as cancer, genetic disorders, HIV amongst others. Not being able to cure a disease, despite being the flagbearer of medicine yet giving all your efforts to the same is one of the most difficult parts of being a doctor.
Dr Chinnadurai R., Lead Consultant, Department of Critical Care, Aster RV Hospital
Being a critical care doctor, it is difficult to digest and communicate the unexpected death of a young patient. It affects us emotionally and physically and it takes some time for us to come back to normal status.
Dr. Y Swapna, Fertility Consultant, Nova IVF Fertility, Vijayawada
Being a doctor is a dream come true as it is one of the noblest professions, and we do take an oath to selflessly contribute our life towards serving patients. However, it often takes a toll on us too. With lack of flexibility, hectic work schedules and patient variations that keep us on the stand all day, but according to me, the hardest of all is not having the indulgence to make a mistake. A doctor can never be prepared on what lies ahead and patient psychology affects you. Most of the time, people think that with so many patients every day, we are challenged with apathy. However, that is nowhere true. How every successful case relieves us, critical and unfortunate cases tear us apart as well and the toughest part here is to confront and accept that and again go on with the next patient with vigour.
Dr. Aruna Muralidhar, MD, MRCOG, FRCOG (UK), Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Fortis La Femme Hospital, Richmond Town, Bangalore
Safeguarding my patients and my personal health and interests conscientiously is a tremendous effort on a daily basis. Making sure that the outcomes for the mother and the baby are the best during and after pregnancy and in the long term too requires constant commitment and continuous improvement and updating. During these COVID times, the toughest thing for me has been being able to empathetically talk to patients through the mask and visor and expressing all the concern and care through the eyes!
We thank the entire medical fraternity for their selfless work and contribution.