Popular Snapchat nυdist, Abena Marie charges 100gh for virtual party, netizens pay to watch [Videos] » ™


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Netizens are running helter-skelter to pay to watch Snapchat nudist Abena Marie as she looks forward to staging a virtual party.

She has announced GH¢100 as the charge for the Snapchat party which she will organize in December.

In a video, Abena Marie urged netizens to pay and join in the virtual celebration as she promises to serve their prying eyes the best of entertainment.

Despite the cold reception after she announced the virtual party, it has emerged that many netizens, especially men are paying the amount in order to have access to watch her.

She has also given a teaser of what those who are ready to pay must expect.

She wrote: Herh Herh you people respect yourselves me that I want to help you release stress you are insulting me ? U should join my virtual party and see wat goes on there, u will fall for my girls and I

In a new video, Abena Marie was seen streaking her boobs as she invited all to pay the GH¢100 to join in the virtual party.

The virtual party suggests that those who pay will get to watch her party on Snapchat. That has been the norm on IG and other platforms in recent times and Abena Marie will be hosting her fourth edition, yes, the fourth edition

Check Out The Videos She Shared Below:


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