Promote technical education to equip students with skills – Entrepreneur to government


Business News of Saturday, 6 November 2021



Nana Yaw Banahene is a Ghanaian entrepreneurNana Yaw Banahene is a Ghanaian entrepreneur

Nana Yaw Banahene, a Ghanaian entrepreneur has called for a shift in the country’s educational system from the theory-based system to one that equips students with skills tailored for the current job market.

Speaking on Net2 TV’s ‘The Attitude’ program, Nana Yaw Banahene lamented the seeming preeminence of Ghana’s education on theory.

He insisted that the current situation does not equip students with entrepreneurial skills but rather trains them for nonexistent jobs.

He appealed to authorities to reform the education sector to meet the demands of the job market and also promote entrepreneurial spirit.

“Those days we did psychology and other courses but the question is, do we need them now. What we need now is pure technical education. I went to a technical school and I was equipped with skills. When my car breaks down, I’m able to detect the problem but ask a professor if he has that experience and knowledge.

“All our secondary schools are grammar-based so when he or she learns these things they are unable to apply them. Another very sad thing is how we’ve turned the polytechnics into technical universities. You go there and the courses are all grammar-based and humanities,” he said.

Nana Yaw Banahene also identified the craze for quick money as an attitude working against the progress of the youth.

He decried what he observes to be a fixation with getting money instead of working hard and making sacrifices.

“One sad thing about Ghanaians is that we like money but if you start life with money as your main focus, you’ll struggle. You have to work before you get money. These days everyone is concerned about money. Even if our traffic lights, you see children begging for alms. When we were kids, almost every weekend we supported our parents on their farms and other engagements.”


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