Man lays charge over use of his name and picture on ANC posters


By Staff Reporter Time of article published18m ago

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Nokulunga Mkize

With the elections finalised and as politicians start negotiations this weekend, a reluctant resident is outraged after being “put up for election as a ward councillor” without his knowledge or consent.

On Monday, Nhlakanipho Mthethwa, 49, from Mlalazi was tipped off that his poster had been put up as one of the local councillor candidates, without him haven given his consent.

Mthethwa, a representative of Independent South African National Civic Organisation (Isanco), received a call on the day of the local government elections telling him that his name and his face were on ANC posters at one of the voting stations near where Mthethwa lives.

“I was attending my mother’s funeral when I got the call informing me that my photograph was on posters as an ANC candidate. I was shocked at the news because I had never registered with any political party and I have no intention of becoming a councillor,” said Mthethwa.

Mthethwa said he went to confirm the matter at the voting station and then headed to eShowe Police station to open a case.

Sakhiseni Mabaso, the ANC candidate who was up for election, said he was aware of the matter but did not comment further.

Yesterday, SAPS spokesperson Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo said they were aware of the matter and a case of fraud was being investigated.

“It is alleged by the complainant that on November 1 at 13.30 noticed that his picture was fraudulently used on the poster as a candidate. The matter is still under investigation,” said Naidoo.

Independent Electoral Commission spokesperson Thule Dlamini said on Thursday the commission was not aware of the matter.

The Independent on Saturday


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