Entertainment of Saturday, 6 November 2021
Source: www.ghanaweb.com
Stonebwoy and Abu Jinapor
•Samuel Abu Jinapo joined Stonebwoy in an interview via Skype
•The minister shared his summary of COP26 at climate change conference
•Abu Jinapor applauded Stonebwoy for song release
On ‘The Point of View’ show hosted by Bernard Avle on Citi TV, the Lands Minister, Samuel Abu Jinapo, joined Stonebwoy in the studio via skype to discuss tackling illegal mining.
The minister shared that he attended the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, held in Glasgow, Scotland, under the presidency of Alok Sharma.
In the bid to talk about what happened in the conference he referred to President Akuffo Addo’s statement on land and forest use.
“The president, Akuffo Addo delivered a profile statement on land and forest use, in other words how we are going to organize the forestry sector in a manner that will contribute to halting climate change” he enlightened.
He revealed his attention was drawn to the song which he heard snippets of and commended Stonebwoy for a very good song; it’s a very noble and patriotic gesture that he has taken.
“I have heard snippets of the song but have not had the opportunity to listen to the full version. Let me use this opportunity to commend and thank Stonebwoy, my very good friend for this intervention and to say to him that; it’s a very noble and patriotic gesture that he has taken” he applauded.
He also added that the government is making it possible to sensitise the public on the illegal mining going on in the country.
He supposed that all role models and personalities will need to come together to make this campaign work with the government taking the lead role.