We Have to Hit Our Heads In Many Directions Before We Can Make It- Singer Swaggha Bemoans


Relatively unknown singer Swaggha has told Graphic that although the internet has made things very simple, musicians in Ghana still have to devise innovative measures before they can stay afloat musically.

“I feel we already have great appeal globally now as artistes, we have the internet connecting us globally in ways we never thought possible before,” he said.

Swaggha further advised musicians against churning out anything just because the internet was helping them gain attention.

The world is a global village now and we must understand that above all things, quality always stands out and this stems a lot from originality. We need to not be copies but originals in the respective genres we choose as artistes.

We also need to utilise social media well as now we can collaborate strategically to get our music out to newer audiences globally,” he stated.

In Ghana, we have an industry that somehow exists but at the same time kind of doesn’t. We literally have no real music bodies in Ghana and as artistes, when we are coming up, we have to hit our heads in many directions before we find a way to make it, that is make a living out of what we do.
This makes us lose a lot of talented people. However, I see a lot of improvement coming up with each passing day and I’m sure with time, we will have the industry sorted out and structured as needed.

SOURCE: www.Ghgossip.com


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