Moment two passengers fight dirty like little children in an aeroplane (Watch)


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A fascinating melee that broke out between two passengers on board an aeroplane has attracted mixed reactions from the internet space.

A video that is fast going viral captures the jaw-dropping moment two male adults put their dignity on the line and created a chaotic scene in the presence of other travellers.

This was a result of the two able-bodied men being unable to solve a simple issue that seemingly had to do with the safekeeping of their luggage in the storage compartment of the plane.

One party could not come to terms with the fact that he secure the spot first but was being denied uninterrupted access to store his bags before taking a seat.

Eventually, they decided to flex their muscles as they squared it off in fisticuffs leaving other passengers in fear.

It took the intervention of other strong men onboard the flight to separate the two who wouldn’t take any chances to have a ring fight right in the walking aisle of the plane.

Video of the bizarre scene has been met with heightened condemnation from social media users who have bemoaned the level of indiscipline exhibited by the two adults exhibited in the aircraft.

Watch the video below


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