70% of Ghanaian music should be strictly played on radio and Tv – KKD » ™


Kwasi Kyei Darkwah, popularly known as KKD, has added his voice to those who believe more Ghanaian content should be played on radio and tv.

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, he claims, is a cultural product, and our airwaves are for Ghanaians to enjoy.

“We may promote others, but we need to use our airwaves to promote more of our own, as they do in the United States, India, and Nigeria right now.

“So, when I see a young DJ who comes on television and insists on playing music from somewhere other than Ghana, the first thing I say is that he needs to be removed off the air and retrained because he has no idea why he is there.”

He went on to say that while he does not mind people listening to foreign music in their homes if they are given the opportunity to broadcast on Ghanaian airways, they owe it to the Ghanaian people to give them at least 70% of the time to play Ghanaian music.

On November 2, 2021, KKD alias His Royal Blackness revealed this during an interview on the GTV Breakfast Show.

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