Xandy Kamel paid for all the wedding expenses – Ex of Kaninja drops dirty secrets » ™


It’s no news that the marriage of actress and TV presenter Xandy Kamel and her husband, Kaninja, is in serious trouble.

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And when it happens like this, a lot of secrets keep popping up basically to settle scores. And now, GHBase.Com has spotted footage involving the ex of Kaninja dropping deadly secrets.

According to the ex of Kaninja in the interview, she made it emphatic that Xandy Kamel paid for all the wedding expenses as to the best of her knowledge, Kaninja is a big-time opportunist.

Therefore, there’s no way Kaninja will pay for the cost of the wedding that took place last year. Y’all know how Xandy Kamel and Kaninja’s marriage in May 2020 dominated new headlines.

But as it stands, Xandy Kamel has been undergoing emotional trauma because of her husband who is now frolicking with a side-chick.

Watch the interview below for more:



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