Be industrious and committed to work


General News of Friday, 29 October 2021



Head of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, Professor Kofi Agyekumplay videoHead of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, Professor Kofi Agyekum

Head of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, Professor Kofi Agyekum, has advised the youth in Ghana to develop the right qualities towards work.

Addressing Ghana’s unemployment rate, Professor Kofi Agyekum, popularly called Opanyin Agyekum, was alarmed by the attitudes of some employees at the workplaces.

He recounted instances where a customer service employee lacks respect for customers of an organization which employed him or her and also where an employee has little to no respect for reporting to work on time, stating all these habits among others are “employment killers”.

Offering a word of advice to the youth, Opanyin Agyekum called on them to imbibe these virtues: attitude, energy, timeliness, interest and commitment.

He explained that the youth should have the right attitude to work, not become indolent, stay committed and have interest in what they do which, he believes, will lead to a better work output.

He also encouraged the youth to be interested in the entrepreneurial and agricultural sectors to help resolve the unemployment situation in the country.


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