Ghanaian-owned luxurious watch brand, Caveman, has been adjudged the ‘Brand of the Year’ at the 2021 Exclusive Men of the Year Africa Awards (EMY Africa Awards).
The event, which was held on Saturday, October 23, 2021, had Caveman’s award presented to the founder and CEO of TimepieceGh and Caveman Watches, Anthony Mensah Dzamefe by Albert Touna-Mama, the Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to Ghana.
Mr. Dzamefe upon receiving the award said “it’s fulfilling to see Caveman Watches being noticed among other competing brands and on top of it emerging the ‘Brand of the Year’ at the EMY Africa Awards 2021. This win is a motivation for the team to work extra harder to provide the best services to our customers and also challenge us to produce quality “
He added that, “Caveman is committed to designing and hand assembling world standard top quality wristwatches built to last generations. Our Key value is not only to deliver quality but to deliver quality consistently”.
Caveman watches, a New York Times endorsed Watch Company based in Accra Adjiringanor plot 81 comes in quality models and handmade straps built to last a lifetime.
It was established on December 12, 2018.
The brand is made for both gentlemen and ladies who want to show up on every occasion with style.
The brand owner, Anthony Mensah Dzamefe was born in Ho, and is an Alumnus of Saint Paul SHS, Denu.
Mr. Dzamefe further studied at the University of Professional Studies (UPSA) where he majored in Business Administration and Management.
After some time in the corporate environment, he decided to test his creative abilities.
He thus resigned to embark on his entrepreneurial journey.
He tried his hands on a few ventures before finding his passion for wristwatches.
He founded TimepieceGh with minimal capital and hawked his way around car parks and offices before finally making his business a household name.
He felt disappointed that he was importing and selling all these watch brands and there was no significant watch brand coming from Africa.
He then decided to manufacture a watch brand that will rub shoulders with the giants in the global watch market.
It is at the back of this that Ghana’s fast-rising New York Times endorsed watch brand, CAVEMAN watches, was invented.
Anthony Dzamefe, the 2018 Ghana Youth Event Awards Youth Innovative Entrepreneur Honorary holder, is described as a jack of all trades.
He is admired by many who do not hesitate to jump to his social media pages to celebrate him at the least achievement.