Nana Opens Largest Bulk Electricity Supply Point


President Akufo-Addo and the US Ambassador at the unveiling

President Akufo-Addo yesterday commissioned the Pokuase Bulk Supply Point, a 330/34.5 kilo-volt substation designed to improve the supply and distribution of electricity for consumers in the northern areas of Accra.

Funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to the tune of US$47 million, the Supply Point, according to the President, is testimony to government’s commitment to improving electricity supply in the country.

The President stated at the commissioning that the Pokuase Bulk Supply Point, whose construction commenced in February 2019, “is also the fourth Bulk Supply Point in Accra, it is the first three hundred and thirty kilo-volt (330kV) Bulk Supply Point in the capital, and it is the most technologically advanced substation in Ghana.”

Siting of the BSP in Pokuase, he explained, was informed by the rapidly increasing load demand for electricity from that part of Accra.

“The essence of constructing the substation is to improve power supply quality and reliability to some three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) existing customers of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in Pokuase, Kwabenya, Legon, Nsawam and neighbouring communities,” he said.

President Akufo-Addo continued, “It is also planned to reduce significantly technical losses in the Ghana Grid Company’s (GRIDCo) transmission system and the ECG power distribution system, ultimately contributing to improving their financial viability.”

Beyond the Pokuase Bulk Supply Point, the President stated that the government is carrying out other projects to meet the increasing power needs arising out of the country’s growing population and government’s industrial agenda, through initiatives such as the One-District-One-Factory policy, amongst others.

Besides the Pokuase substation, which was commissioned, work is also ongoing on the Kasoa Bulk Supply Point, which will be the second largest supply point in Ghana.

Once completed, he indicated that the project will address low voltage and frequent power outage challenges caused by increasing domestic and industrial demand in Kasoa, Senya Bereku, Bawjiase and Nyanyano.

“$50 million BSP project, again, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation under the Ghana Power Compact Programme, will benefit some two hundred and forty-one thousand, five hundred and eight (241,508) ECG customers, and contribute to substantial reduction in transmission losses in GRIDCo’s transmission system. The Kasoa project is expected to be completed before the end of this year,” the President added.

Further, he told the gathering that the national transmission backbone, under construction from the coast to Bolgatanga, had a gap between Kumasi and Kintampo, which has since been completed a few weeks ago.

“Completion of this portion of the Kumasi/Bolgatanga transmission line project will ease the load on Kumasi sub-stations, and become the instrument of power transmission within the Ashanti, Ahafo, Bono and Bono East Regions, and in parts of northern Ghana. In addition to this is the ongoing Tema to Accra transmission line upgrade project to accommodate an increase from one hundred and sixty-one kilo-volts (161KV) capacity to three hundred and thirty kilo-volts (330KV) capacity,” he added.

President Akufo-Addo thanked the Millennium Challenge Corporation and the United States government for their continued support; MiDA for its effective oversight of the project; Elecnor S.A., the main contractors for the procurement, supply, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the project; as well as management and staff of GRIDCO and ECG.

He also thanked the Minister for Energy, Hon. Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, and his predecessors for their leadership in helping to deliver this project.

President Akufo-Addo stated in conclusion that that “the Akufo-Addo government remains fully committed to ensuring safe, stable and affordable power supply in this country. As we focus on realising the Ghana Beyond Aid agenda, which has industrialisation as its crown jewel, it is imperative that we pursue this goal with dogged determination, to help ensure that every nook and cranny of this country has access to electricity as the main driver of our vision”.

By Charles Takyi-Boadu


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