Clergy asked to lead exemplary life


Religion of Thursday, 21 October 2021



Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, Most Reverend Paul Kwabena BoafoPresiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, Most Reverend Paul Kwabena Boafo

The clergy have been admonished to conduct themselves in a professional manner to safeguard the image of the ministry.

According to the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, Most Reverend Paul Kwabena Boafo, negative practices by some men and women in the cassock cast a slur on Christianity.

The advice follows recent negative attitudes and prophecies by some men and women of God including insults on social media networks, physical attacks on people and engaging in prophecy bringing about controversies, chaos and breaching public peace.

Most Rev Boafo, the immediate past Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana said it was difficult to regulate their activities since some of the clergies did not belong to the council, making it difficult to regulate their activities.

“God is God of order and discipline and we have to follow suit,” he added.

Rev Boafo said one could not take the laws into one’s own hands as an individual to bring about chaos, but should rather report issues to the police for immediate action.

He said the law should take its cause if anybody was found culpable, explaining that religions strive for peace.

The Presiding Bishop said men and women of God should be role-model by portraying good examples for their followers.

“Your lives should be exemplary in the society, we are letters that people read and we must be conscious of that,” he added

He said as men of God, “we should practice what the Bible tells us and also what the society encourages.”

Rev Boafo said men and women in cassocks should endeavour to promote peace and stability in the country at all times.


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