Oh No! John Mahama Again


John Mahama

Last week, former President John Mahama was at it again. Characteristically, he threw wild allegations, all intended to cast the country’s electoral system into disrepute.

He has been on that path before and there is no sign that he is quitting anytime soon. He continues to unearth in his own ways defects in the elections which threw him out of office.

He attracted public opprobrium as he has always done when he treads on that distasteful path of unsubstantiated allegations.

We are begging the good people of this country to pardon him for he is only reacting to the effects of an electoral defeat long after that blow and the subsequent unanimous decision by the apex court to dismiss his petition against the integrity of the elections.

The fallouts from an electoral defeat come in motley forms, and when they do, they leave observers wondering whether hallucinations have not set in. What else can we say when the former President has just found out, bizarrely, that a million ballots were printed in favour of the NPP. Such crappy allegations can only originate from persons still enduring the pains of electoral defeat.

Someone questioned whether this too was contained in the issues put forth before the apex court when the former President’s petition made landfall there.

In one of our commentaries about how the former President continues to make the headlines for the wrong reasons, we remarked that he appears to be on a destruction mode, his targets being state institutions and whoever regards the last elections as the most credible in the history of election management in the country.

From his inappropriate reference to the Electoral Commission (EC) Chairperson as ‘that woman’ in a previous attack on the last elections, this one could surpass the previous one in terms of nastiness. A million votes surreptitiously counted in favour of the NPP sounds too weird to make sense in a modern Ghana.

Just how could the EC have done that crazy thing without being caught easily! Today’s EC cannot, we repeat, be manipulated as was the case under a previous administration.

With more such hallucinatory allegations coming, the next one to come can only be imagined in terms of weirdness and illogicalities.

Such allegations, were it to originate from an ordinary serial caller on the payroll of the NDC, it would not have raised eyebrows and even repulsive reaction, not so however, a man who has been President before.

Even as we join other Ghanaians in chastising the former President as he maintains his campaign of calumny against the EC and other state institutions simply because he is no longer at the throttles, we hasten to ask that the man is purely acting out of pain, a state of mind which has robbed him of the sense of logical reasoning.

Let us therefore forgive him as he uses such allegations to tranquil himself. We will manage to countenance him until he is cured of the hallucinatory tendencies.


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