Obsession With Chicanery –


For the umpteenth time or so a group of political mercenaries doing the bidding of their sponsor have sought to put dust into the eyes of the reading and discerning public.

Churning out chaffe and using a re-crafted logo of the Daily Guide to propel same is nothing but chicanery and mischief of the highest order.

There are a lot of things wrong with coining ‘Daily Ghanaian Guide’ and expecting the reading public to draw the conclusion that the crap being put out represent the opinion of the popular Daily Guide. It speaks of mendacity and of course lack of integrity. Why don’t they coin something original and steer off such chicanery?

Such criminal tendencies cannot inure to the interest of those who have unbridled ambitions for certain goals.

We are disturbed at the frequency of the practice and would rather the man behind the machinations and his sponsors rethink the strategy. We understand it is coming from within the NPP as the internal contest over who should be the party’s flagbearer intensifies.

It is nauseating and can only push discerning Ghanaians to start fishing out the brains behind the mischief.

Ghanaians deserve better, and curious as they are, have drawn their conclusion about the subject under review. We are relieved about the reassurance we have received since the last post of the mischief hit social media. Some of the callers could not conceal their derision as they analyse the cheap propaganda.

Daily Guide is a brand built over three decades, a fact acknowledged by the mischief-makers; the reason for which they regard as a better vehicle for their agenda.

Of course those on this tangent have proven without dispute their unfitness to engage their compatriots about the future of this country.

We have come a long way from the date we took our destiny into our hands as a nation. Steering our political discourse in this fashion only gives politics a bad name and therefore worthy of being hanged. Fortunately, those who know politics as a noble occupation reserved for the selfless, patriotic, and committed to the cause of the country would not allow them to have their way.

Members of our editorial board were bombarded by worried readers who questioned the sense in stealing the newspaper’s logo and adulterating same for their project. Curiously, they do the designs for online and the physical newspaper cannot be found on the newsstands.

Insulting Ghanaians this way is regrettable and should be condemned with all the strength we can muster. We wish to assure our teeming readers and patrons that we cannot be associated with such mischievous projects.

Ours is a newspaper obsessed with nothing but the setting of agendas which can only ensure democracy hinged on world-acclaimed good practices and also to see accelerated development of the country.

We must advance beyond such cheap propaganda. The derivable pittance is beneath the national interest.

Such enterprise cannot fly in the face of verifiable facts about the state of politics in the country today. Shame unto them who engineered the mischief!

Those behind these things don’t seem to learn any lessons from the way they end up losing anytime there is an internal contest.




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