Fadda Dickson has subtly replied to the ungratefulness of Funny Face who insulted him for bailing out on him and refusing to help him because of something his baby mama and her mother said to him.
Funny Face in a video forgetting all that Fadda Dickson, Adebayor, and Bola Ray did for him all these years insulted them and their mothers for not sticking to him thick and thin just because they advised him and he didn’t listen.
Funny Face insulted Fadda Dickson so much because recently he asked him for help and he refused and Fadda Dickson has subtly replied to his ranting saying he refuses to let the world and ungrateful people like the former stop him from sharing.
According to Fadda Dickson, when he gives it does not come with any strings and he’s not keeping track of it as to what someone owes him because when he gives, he chooses to do so without any ulterior motives.
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Fadda Dickson added that he gives because he knows what it’s like to be without and too long for and be ignored, to speak and not be heard, to care and have nothing returned and when he gives, it’s because he knows the value in what he has in his heart.
Therefore, he refuses to let the world and ungrateful people like Funny Face stop him from sharing because giving is a matter of the heart and a kingdom principle and not to please people around him hence no one will stop him from sharing with others.
Post below;
Source: www.GHgossip.com