What Reverend Owusu Bempah said about LGBTQ+ in 2020


Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah is the founder of Glorious Word Power Ministriesplay videoReverend Isaac Owusu Bempah is the founder of Glorious Word Power Ministries

The conventional and new media space have for the past few weeks been dominated by discussion on the anti-LGBTQI+ bill. The clergy – especially Christian and Muslim leaders have openly and forcefully expressed opposition to same-sex relations and strong support for the Bill. One question that has come up is whether any of the clergymen in the country foresaw this issue.

Checks by GhanaWeb indicate that whereas no prophet made specific mention of a certain bill triggering heated argument on same-sex relations, Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah of the Glorious Word and Power Ministries made comments to the effect that there were going to be a conscious promotion of LGBTQI+ rights across the world.

In a prophecy on September 19, 2020, detailing why Joe Biden was going to win the 2020 US elections and why the world should be concerned with a Joe Biden victory, Reverend Owusu Bempah stated that America under Biden will push the LGBQI+ agenda across various countries. The Trump government known for its tilt towards conservative Christian values had a strong stance against LGBTQI+.

Bempah stated that Biden’s pro-LGBTQI+ stance will lead to discussions about the issue and further signal the imminent arrival of the Biblical ‘anti-Christ’.

“Well, I can say it is not certain yet because in the spiritual realm, a lot of things are happening although I personally support Trump to win, Joe Biden is not easy as people thought he would be. I will call Donald Trump’s office to pray for him although he had repented from his sins as I last said. It is indecisive but he will win because Joe Biden is not a good leader, he wants to let gays and lesbians have freedom but God had chosen Trump for a purpose as I told you about” he said on Okay FM Claiming vindication

Reverend Owusu Bempah believes the current climate is a manifestation of the prophecy he gave in 2020.

According to him, once Biden won, it was inevitable that LGBTQI+ conversation was going to dominate the world.

“I prophesied that God had made His angel take the key from Trump so he was not going to win the elections. Joe Biden was going to win and one of the effects of his victory would be the promotion of homosexuals activities. We prayed against it but Biden still won.

“This shows that what God revealed to me has come to pass. LGBTQ is the issue everyone is discussing. What is happening is unfortunate. Ghana is a holy country and our ancestors abhor this. Our president has said it will not be passed under him. Every leader in this country is also against LGBTQ,” he said in a recent interview.


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