Turkey resident named world’s tallest woman at 7 feet tall


Oct. 13 (UPI) — A Turkish woman who stands at 7 feet, .7 inch tall has been dubbed the tallest woman living by Guinness World Records.

Rumeysa Gelgi, who previously was named the tallest teenager living (female) at age 18 in 2014, claimed a second title when she was officially remeasured by Guinness this year.

Gelgi was born with Weaver syndrome, a rare condition that causes accelerated growth.

The condition forces Gelgi to use a wheelchair for most of her mobility, but she is able to walk for short periods with the help of a walker.

“Every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage for yourself, so accept yourself for who you are, be aware of your potential and do your best,” Gelgi told Guinness.


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