You Can Be Gay But Don’t Force Your Beliefs Down The Throat Of Innocent Children


Few hours ago, DC Comics announced that the new Superman, Jon Kent is Bisexual. The revealed that Jon Kent, Earth’s Superman and the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, is bisexual.

The current “Superman of Earth,” Jon Kent, will come out as gay in the November 9 issue of “Superman: Son of Kal-El #5” when he begins a romantic relationship with reporter Jay Nakamura, indicating that the Kryptonian apple does not fall far from the tree.

A lot of things happened to the super-tyke, including, but not limited to, the kind of narratively convenient rapid ageing that many sitcom moppets go through.

Jonathan Samuel Kent, who debuted in July 2015, has gone through some major changes in the last six years. Jon became Superboy after surviving a major multiversal event that “fixed” the shattered DC Universe, and he frequently teamed up with Damian Wayne Robin as the “Super Sons.”

Reacting to this, Ghanaian media personality KOD who is appalled by the whole situation asked the westerners to stop forcing their differences on unsuspecting kids.

According to him, he has no problem with anyone being gay but he won’t allow anyone ruin the childhood of innocent kids.

See his post below;

vanessa nordzi

Writing is the painting of the voice. The desire is to write until it becomes as natural as breathing. Fitting in is so boring so why not stand out?

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