New Superman, Jon Kent is Bisexual, DC Comics has announced » ™


DC Comics has revealed that Jon Kent, Earth’s Superman and the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, is bisexual.

The current “Superman of Earth,” Jon Kent, will come out as gay in the November 9 issue of “Superman: Son of Kal-El #5” when he begins a romantic relationship with reporter Jay Nakamura, indicating that the Kryptonian apple does not fall far from the tree.

A lot of things happened to the super-tyke, including, but not limited to, the kind of narratively convenient rapid ageing that many sitcom moppets go through.

Jonathan Samuel Kent, who debuted in July 2015, has gone through some major changes in the last six years. Jon became Superboy after surviving a major multiversal event that “fixed” the shattered DC Universe, and he frequently teamed up with Damian Wayne Robin as the “Super Sons.”

While he began as a pre-teen, Jon did something unusual in comics: the aged. Despite only being gone for a few months, Jon returned to Earth as a 17-year-old after a mission into space with his grandfather, Jor-El.

With his powers nearly fully developed, Jon’s father has entrusted him with the task of protecting the planet as Superman. And the character is about to make his most daring move yet.

The decision to have the current Man of Steel, Superman, come out as bisexual is the most high-profile example yet of comic book publishers broadening the scope of LGBTQ representation within their pages.

Tim Drake, aka Robin, Batman’s loyal sidekick, came out as bisexual in an issue published by DC in August. Other prominent LGBTQ comic book characters include DC’s Batwoman, Harley Quinn, and Alan Scott (aka the first Green Lantern), as well as Marvel’s Iceman, America Chavez (aka Miss America), and Northstar, who was one of the first openly gay comic book characters when he debuted in 1992.

“Dark Knights of Steel” star Tom Taylor wrote “Superman: Son of Kal-El #5,” and John Timms (“Harley Quinn”) is the artist.

Taylor said in a statement;

“Over the years in this industry, it probably won’t surprise you to hear I’ve had queer characters and storylines rejected. I felt like I was letting down people I loved every time this happened. 

“But we are in a very different and much more welcome place today than we were ten, or even five years ago. When I was asked if I wanted to write a new Superman with a new #1 for the DC Universe, I knew replacing Clark with another straight white savior could be a real opportunity missed. I’ve always said everyone needs heroes and everyone deserves to see themselves in their heroes. Today, Superman, the strongest superhero on the planet, is coming out.”

In the issue, Jon Kent’s Superman will find solace in Jay’s arms after exhausting himself trying to save the world. According to a press release, the story is taking place “in the main continuity of the DC Multiverse.”

DC chief creative officer and publisher Jim Lee added:

“We couldn’t be prouder to tell this important story from Tom Taylor and John Timms.

“We talk a lot about the power of the DC Multiverse in our storytelling and this is another incredible example. We can have Jon Kent exploring his identity in the comics as well as Jon Kent learning the secrets of his family on TV on Superman & Lois.

“They coexist in their own worlds and times, and our fans get to enjoy both simultaneously.”

In the issue, Jon Kent’s Superman will find comfort in Jay’s arms after he’s totally wrung out from trying to save the world. The story is unfolding, according to a press release, “in the main continuity of the DC Multiverse.”


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