Rights without limitations is a danger – Kpemka kicks against LGBTQI


General News of Monday, 11 October 2021

Source: mynewsgh.com


Former Deputy Attorney General Joseph Dindiok KpemkaFormer Deputy Attorney General Joseph Dindiok Kpemka

A former Deputy Attorney General Joseph Dindiok Kpemka has sworn never to support the legalization of same-sex activities in Ghana.

According to him, the acts are alien to Ghanaian culture and poses a great threat to the nation and its cultural, social and human advancement.

The learned legal practitioner argued that laws are made to better societies and protect the values of the people for whom the laws are made.

Following arguments for the respect of the sexual choices and preferences of persons who engage in gaysm and lesbianism, Mr Kpemka noted that such arguments are unacceptable because they have the tendency to stimulate other sexual preferences which are already criminal and adverse to the cultural and social values of Ghanaians and Africans.

“Someone can decide that he wants to be sleeping with his daughter and the is his choice. A mother can decide that she wants to sleep with her son and the is her choice,” he said on TV3.

He stressed that though the fundamental human rights of persons must be respected, allowing rights within limitations is a danger in itself.

“For me, I don’t support LGBTQI. Today I don’t support it and tomorrow I’ll not because it does not fit into the cultural engine within which I grew up and I’m not ready to adopt to it because it is alien to us. That is the point. If we want to talk about rights and we talk about rights to be enjoyed without limitations, we will run into a certain difficulty that we cannot extricate ourselves from,” he added.


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