#GhanaWebRoadSafety: 3 accidents and my escape story


Mr. Dei shared his experience in this edition of the GhanaWebRoadSafety Campaignplay videoMr. Dei shared his experience in this edition of the GhanaWebRoadSafety Campaign

He had 3 accidents, the first was a freak accident involving 5 other cars.

He got traumatized and panicked. Luckily, he escaped with a neck injury having been saved by his seatbelt.

David Dei Awuku, an accident victim after this had 2 separate accidents all of which luckily were not very dire but could have easily ended badly.

He narrated how he nearly killed a 7-year-old boy in a second vehicle accident at Nima in Accra.

This time, the little boy who was playing with his colleague on the streets was shoved into the front of his car.

He wasn’t speeding so the impact wasn’t grave but together with the family, he got the boy to the hospital and got him treated.

For the third accident, Mr Dei who is a popular content creator told the Road Safety team that a bus conductor popularly referred to as a ‘trotro mate’, in an attempt to get a passenger to board his car, jumped into the road although the traffic light was green.

Two of these accidents were his fault and he has learnt vital lessons that he shares with the rest of the world.

GhanaWeb captured his story in this edition of the Road Safety series as part of the GhanaWeb Road Safety campaign.

Watch the video below for the full interview:


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