Are you trying to say I’m mad? – Delay tackles Maame Esi


• Maame Esi maintains she spent 10 days at the mortuary

• She has shot down suggestions that the incident was staged

• Delay doubts Maame Esi’s account, smells something fishy

An attempt by Maame Esi Forson to contradict Deloris Frimpong Manso (Delay) on the latter’s show evoked more questions from the host who was bent on unravelling circumstances that landed the former at the mortuary.

In 2017, Maame Esi, a budding actress, made headlines when she shared a story of her mortuary experience. According to her, she spent ten days at the mortuary after she was pronounced dead.

In her narrative at the time, she alleged her family was denied the opportunity to check up on her when they noticed she was alive, neither did the doctor who pronounced her dead grant her the chance to go home hours after she regained consciousness.

Delay who had doubts about the incident, during the interview, asked Maame Esi questions that sought to expose the actress. According to Delay, she was informed by Maame Esi’s manager that the incident was staged to promote a movie the actress had shot.

“At what hospital were you pronounced dead? Your manager confirmed to me three days ago that it was just a movie. So why do you lie about such a thing?” the TV show host asked.

Although Maame Esi insisted she never lied, she refused to disclose the hospital as she argued that it is confidential. She preferred to not comment on the subject because it arouses emotions.

“First of all, I won’t say I died because I was unconscious. Maybe I went into a coma or something like that. Secondly, I’m sorry I can’t talk about it because the more I talk about it, the more I become emotional. It belongs to my past so I prefer it to be there.”

Delay, however, went on to interrogate the matter, having sighted some inconsistencies with Maame Esi’s account. She mentioned that she once placed a call to a number that has been provided as contact information on Maame Esi’s Instagram page and was told the act was indeed a publicity stunt.

Insisting that she answers calls that come through the said phone number, Maame Esi stated that she never said it was a movie.

“So, do I have dementia or I’m going mad? Are you trying to say I’m mad?” a puzzled Delay asked.

“No, you aren’t mad”, Maame Esi responded.

“So why would I say something you’ve not said to me on TV?” Delay asked to which Maame replied: “The thing actually happened. But my manager advised that we did a movie about it.”

Watch the interview below.


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