13 MDCEs Confirmed, 3 Rejected In Upper East


Rex Asanga

Out of the 15 Municipal and District Assemblies in the Upper East Region, 13 have successfully confirmed the President’s nominees for the position of the Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) while three have rejected their nominees.

The confirmed MDCEs include; Rex Asanga, Bolgatanga Municipal, David Akologo Amoah, Bolgatanga East, Amadu Hamza, Bawku Municipal, Tahiru Issahaku Ahmed, Bawku West, Joseph Adongo, Kassena-Nankana Municipal, and Thomas Pearson Doanab, Talensi.

The rest are Zubeiru Abdulai, Pusiga, Gerard Atoagye, Kassena-Nankana West, Daniel Kwame Gariba, Builsa South, Vida Naab Akantagriwen, Builsa Municipal, Agnes Anamoo, Nabdam, and Rita Atanga, Bongo District.

All the three women namely, Vida Naab Akantagriwen, Agnes Anamoo, Rita Atanga, for Builsa Municipal, Nabdam, and Bongo Districts respectively who were nominated to the region by the President have successfully been approved although the Nabdam Assembly achieved the feet through popular acclamation in a second election.

Osman Musah, Ayinga Abagre Yakubu, and Paul Azumah Abugri, nominees for Garu, Binduri, and Tempane Districts failed to garner the required two-thirds majority to be confirmed as DCEs for their respective areas.

Although in the case of the nominees for Garu and Binduri, a second election would be conducted for them within 10 days of the first election since they secured more than 50 per cent in the first election.

Per the Local Government Act of 2016, Act 936, a nominee who fails to secure a two-thirds majority of the Assembly Members present and voting cannot be confirmed as DCE elect but qualifies for a second election unless the nominee is withdrawn by the President based on reasonable grounds.

But in the case of the nominee for Tempane who had less than 50 per cent (44 per cent), the President is yet to decide as the Act disqualifies him from a second election unless the President renominates him based on reasonable grounds.


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