Minister goes on knees, begs for Cape Coast mayor nominee to be confirmed


Politics of Thursday, 7 October 2021



Central Regional Minister Marigold Assanplay videoCentral Regional Minister Marigold Assan

• The MCE nominee for Cape Coast Ernest Arthur has been rejected twice

• Before the second election the Regional minister went on her knees to beg his approval

• The third and final voting is scheduled for Monday, October 11

Central Regional Minister, Marigold Assan, on Wednesday night October 7, 2021, had to persuade members of the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly (CCMA) to confirm the president’s nominee, Ernest Arthur for the second time by going on her knees.

Before the elections, she told the assembly members, “When we met the last time, I pleaded with you that for the sake of the development of Cape Coast, you should approve the presidential nominee but it did not happen as we expect. We have another chance to vote for the president’s nominee. Honestly, if today’s voting doesn’t go as we expect, it will worry us all especially me as your Regional Minister.”

“So, I beg you; if I have to kneel to beg I will do so. Hon members kindly look at me and confirm the president’s nominee for the sake of the development of Cape Coast which is our major priority. I know it is because of our development that you are all here, so please if there are personal issues for not voting for Hon Ernest Arthur, kindly put that aside and vote for him…” she appealed.

But it appears not even her decision to ‘take the knee’ did the nominee any good as Ernest Arthur was once again rejected by the electorate.

Mr Arthur polled 40 ‘Yes’ votes out of 65 Assembly members who took part in the confirmation vote, meaning he failed to meet the two-thirds majority.

Third and final voting has been scheduled for Monday, October 11, at the same venue, the Regional Coordinating Council.


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