Journalists in poor condition an indictment on GJA leadership – Affail Monney


General News of Thursday, 7 October 2021



President of GJA, Roland Affail MonneyPresident of GJA, Roland Affail Monney

President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Affail Monney, has said that the Association is very much concerned about the welfare of journalists in the country because journalists living in poor conditions is an indictment on the leadership of the Association.

Due to this, the leadership of the Association tirelessly puts in place measures to ensure that the well-being of Ghanaian journalists is prioritized, the President revealed.

Affail Monney, during an interview with Samuel Eshun on e.TV Ghana’s ‘Fact Sheet’ show, touted the achievements of the current leadership of the GJA in improving the welfare of journalists.

“The welfare of journalists is one of our topmost priorities. We work to improve the work of journalists given the fact that there is that relationship between the welfare of journalists and overall quality in media output. The first step we took when we took over was to unionize the Ghana Journalists Association.

This unionization has been incubating for decades but we came to unionize it. All that it means is that we are now empowered legally to serve as intermediaries between workers and their employees in the instances of injustice and poor remuneration order.”

The President added that through the GJA’s efforts, journalists have had insurances in case of any social needs with the recent being an insurance package from SIC that reaped some financial benefits for journalists who were injured during the 2020 election.

“As far as the welfare of journalists is concerned, we will continue to prioritize it because our hearts bleed whenever we see journalists in poor conditions. Journalists living in poor conditions is an indictment on the leadership of the Association. So, we will pursue whatever it will take for them to improve conditions. The welfare of journalists is at the core of what we do at GJA,” he emphasized.


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