Cold case team claims to know who the Zodiac Killer is


Washington – An investigative team led by retired FBI agents claims to have determined the identity of the mysterious Zodiac Killer but is being prevented from running DNA tests for further confirmation, the team said on Wednesday in a press release.

“An elite CSI team from two Maryland universities has been barred from studying hairs found in the clenched fist of a teen student, murdered more than a half-century ago. The experts strongly believe they belong to a newly-uncovered ‘Zodiac Killer’ suspect… Gary F. Poste, whom forensic experts now think is ‘a very strong suspect,’” the press release said.

The team, known as the Case Breakers, uncovered several clues that strongly suggested that Poste was the Zodiac Killer, including forehead scars that match those reported by victim accounts and depicted in police sketches.

Much of the evidence the team claims points to Poste came from a 1966 murder scene that is still officially considered unrelated to the Zodiac Killer. This evidence includes a wristwatch, paint, and boot prints that align with Poste’s profile. The hair that they wish to DNA test was recovered from the same scene.

While local law enforcement has insisted that the 1966 murder is unrelated, the FBI disagreed in 1975 and said that they believed it to be a victim of the Zodiac Killer, according to the press release.

A whistleblower named Wil purportedly told the investigative team that he was part of a criminal posse led by Poste, and that he was indeed the Zodiac Killer. The team said that he even gave them the location of where he witnessed Poste burying the murder weapons.

The team said that even though this is the eight local police chief in a row to refuse to consider murder to be linked, they hope the next will find “the courage to act.”

Sputnik News


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