KMA To Lose Administration Block Over Judgment Debt


Staff of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) appear to be sitting on tenterhooks, following reports that a Kumasi High Court has granted an order for the KMA administration building to be sold to defray a debt.

The colossal debt, said to be around GH¢4.1 million, is reported to have stood for many years as all efforts by the claimant, Freko FD Company Limited, a Kumasi-based waste collection company, to retrieve the amount, have failed.

According to reports, Kumasi High Court finally granted an order for the KMA building to be auctioned to help defray the huge debt owed to the private company.

Presiding Member 

The KMA Presiding Member (PM), Jonathan Ofori, confirming the report, said the assembly has been entangled by numerous judgment debts, which have spanned more than a decade.

According to him, the staggering debts have now overwhelmed the assembly as the KMA currently does not have the financial muscle to settle their debtors, who have constantly been on the KMA’s neck for years.

Mr. Ofori said until the government stepped in to save the KMA from the seeming unfortunate situation, the assembly would lose all its key assets to their debtors through judgment debts.

He said as part of the assembly’s efforts to pressure government to help KMA to settle the debt “members of the assembly have resolved not to confirm any person that government would appoint as KMA Mayor,” a view many saw as a clear case of sabotage of the system.

Mr. Ofori said the response of government to KMAs huge debt, would determine the pattern of voting during the confirmation polls of the President’s nominee, Sam Pyne, saying “he will scale through if the debt is settled by government, but if government fail to act, then we shall reject him.”

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi 



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