“You’re A Failure If The Following Applies To You”


Pastor Nigel Gaisie, a pastor in Ghana has shared his two cents on the reason why certain people are failures.

In 10 strong points, he revealed that it’s a sign of failure the people are still living in the conditions below or doing any of the things mentioned below.

Staying with your parents or living with your parents at the age of 35 topped the long list of points he listed. In a Facebook post, he put together the factors that identify people as failures.

In his words;

1. You are a failure if at 35 you’re still staying with your parents or family compound
2. You are a failure if you’re waiting for a government before you start something with your life.
3. You’re a failure if all you think about is waiting to be fed by others, regardless of your circumstances, you can start something.
4. You’re a failure if you keep repeating mistakes in the name of human weakness.
5. You’re a failure if at age 25 you still keep multiple sexual partners and fancy certain party hang out merry.
6. You’re a colossal failure if you still believe life begins @40, check the world around you, Youngsters are taking over.
7. You’re a failure if @ 40 certain family relations can’t reach out to you for help .
8.You’re a family if you’re still following the pattern of your parents, that led to their distraction.
9. You’re a failure if all you don’t think well about people,(speak well about people)
10. You’re a failure as a parent, if your children are not greater than you or perhaps on almost the same scale…”

It’s been quite a long time, the clergyman made headlines over controversies that evolved around him. But it could be recalled that he said in an old interview, debunking the notion that womanizing or drinking alcohol makes one a bad Christian.

“When a man of God drinks alcohol, it doesn’t make him fake. When a man of God steals, it doesn’t make him fake. When a man of God womanizes or a woman of God has another boyfriend or doesn’t make him/her fake,” he said.

Nigel also added that if womanizing were a yardstick for determining a good or a bad prophet, then David wouldn’t haven’t been God’s favourite leader in the first place.

“Every mortal vessel has a weakness, what makes a man of God fake is when he changes his covenant. If that man of God does not preach Jesus anymore, that is what makes him fake.”

“If you say that alcohol is wrong, then condemn David, because David was a chronic drunkard and womanizer,” the man of God said.

Source; Ghgossip.com


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