No man is stingy, once you open your leg, he’ll open his wallet- Lady ‘fights’ for men (Watch) » ™


A young lady while impersonating a character on TikTok has revealed that no man is naturally stingy but they put their money where they expect to recoup it in one way or the other.

In a short video shared on TikTok and stumbled upon by, the girl in a conversation with another person revealed that any lady who brands a man as stingy has probably not opened her legs wide to him.

Inversely, she said any man who allowed herself to be laid will see the benevolent side of the same she had thought was stingy.

Watch the video below;

In other news, a married woman has been captured in a leaked chat begging a young man to impregnate her so she could give it to her husband.

The woman earnestly asked the guy who seems to be her side guy to have sex with her so she would conceive and make her husband believe he fathered the child.

However, the man insisted that he is not going to grant her request because he does not intend to break her home and collapse her marriage in the process.

Click here to read more.



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