Here’s how Savings & Loans, MFIs and RCBs fared in 2020


The Bank of Ghana HeadquatersThe Bank of Ghana Headquaters

The Bank of Ghana has revealed the number of licensed Savings and Loans institutions operating in the country stood at 25 as of the end of December 2020.

According to the central bank’s 2020 annual report, the S&L sector recorded total assets of GH¢5,027.59 million at the end of December 2020.

This represented year-on-year growth of 8.2 percent.

“The Non-Performing Loans ratio increased to 16.6 percent at the end of December 2020, from 14.7 percent recorded at the end December 2019”

On the number of licenced Finance Houses, the Bank of Ghana recorded 15 companies as of the end of December 2020.

“Total assets of the Finance House sector stood at GH¢2,395.20 million at the end of December 2020, representing an 11.1 percent growth year-on-year. The Non-Performing Loans ratio for the sector however increased to 19.0 percent at the end of December 2020, from an earlier 18.6 percent recorded in December 2019.”

For Rural and Community Banks in the country, the central bank recorded 145 licensed banks for the period ending December 2020.

The sector, according to the bank recorded total assets of GH¢6,170.88 million at the end of December 2020, representing a 31.6 percent year-on-year growth.

“However, the Capital Adequacy Ratio of RCBs fell to 10.1 percent at the end of December 2020, from 12.7 percent recorded at the end of December 2019, above the regulatory minimum ratio of 10.0 percent. The Non-Performing Loans ratio remained the same as the previous year’s position of 11.5 percent.”

Finally, in the Microfinance Sector, the total number of licensed Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) stood at 180 at the end of December 2020.

MFI’s operating in the country recorded total assets of GH¢895.53 million at the end of December 2020, representing year-on-year growth of 14.3 percent.

“The Capital Adequacy Ratio for MFIs was 22.2 percent at end-December 2020, above the prudential minimum of 10.0 percent while the Non-Performing Loans ratio for the sector decreased to 33.3 percent at the end of December 2020, from 34.4 percent at end-December 2019.”

Overall, the Bank of Ghana said profitability indicators of MFIs remained positive in the review year.


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