Ejura committee report ‘wasteful’, perpetrators will go scot-free


General News of Thursday, 30 September 2021



Johnson Asiedu Nketiaplay videoJohnson Asiedu Nketia

The General Secretary of the largest opposition National Democratic Congress has described the report by the three-member committee of inquiry into the disturbances at Ejura as a fiasco that will not yield any results.

Johnson Asiedu Nketia was emphatic that, “no public official has been punished for wrongdoing under the leadership of Nana Akufo-Addo. This report is no exception”.

Speaking in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show ‘Ghana Montie’, General Mosquito as affectionately called questioned the committee’s report which concludes that the activism of Ibrahim Mohammed, popularly known as Kaaka, cannot be linked to his death.

“So, who killed him?” he asked the host, Mac Jerry Osei Agyemang.

But the report explained that the death of Kaaka could more likely be linked to a family feud.

Listen to the interview:


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