Takoradi: Husband should have been more vigilant


Josephine Simons

Emmanuel Ackon, a brother of Michael Simons, the husband of 28-year-old woman, Josephine Simons, who allegedly faked her pregnancy and kidnap, has broken his silence on the controversy.

According to him, the family is still in shock and yet to come to terms with the unfolding drama regarding Mrs Simons’ pregnancy.

Though he suspects the drama is an attempt to serve someone’s interest, he stated the controversy could have been avoided if his brother was vigilant throughout the pregnancy journey.

Mr Ackon made these remarks in an interview on Adom FM’s Dwaso Nsem, Monday, urging it should be a wake up call to all men.

He stated his wife is also pregnant and has not left anything to chance since he became aware, hence, cannot fathom why his brother did not do the same.

“I have been involved in my wife’s pregnancy in every step of the way. I check her antenatal records anything she visits the hospital.

“She tells me everything the midwife or whoever she met at the hospital told her on every visit so I am very abreast with everything happening with her,” he stated.


Mr Ackon stressed the situation appears to him as more spiritual than physical, adding he is very confused and does not even want to comment about the issue again.

He said he has lost faith in the Ghana Police Service with how the investigations are being carried out as he suspects foul play.

“There is a lot of misinformation and misreporting out there and it is surprising how certain information is published before the actions are carried out but I suspect Josephine was forced to make those confessions,” he lamented.

He added he cannot fathom why she would fake his pregnancy since she was not under any pressure or in competition to give birth.

However, he noted the law must take its course if it turns out Mrs Simons carried out the act as being reported.



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